Welcome to Willow Yoga Minnesota

A yoga mat is a perfect place to meet our best selves. So let’s get on our mats and play.

Live light!


Live light.

That’s what yoga can help you do. Our bodies do better when we honor them with movement. Our minds do better when we pay attention to our breath. Our spirits do better when we open wide.


Live light.

A yoga mat is a perfect place to meet our best selves. It’s a place where we can explore and play, where we can connect to our breath in order to be more grounded and flexible—mentally and physically—in our every day lives.
While we can challenge ourselves, we also want to honor our
bodies and our edges.


Live light.

Listen to your body. If your breath becomes short or if you experience any sharp pains, back off from a pose. If you are starting to work too hard, take a child’s pose. Your body does all kinds of amazing things for you. Meet it
as a friend, and listen to all that it has to say.


Willow Yoga Minnesota focuses on being accessible and affordable.

It is a subscription-based website that allows you to practice yoga whenever and wherever you would like (as long as there is Wi-Fi, of course). You can expect at least three new yoga videos each week. While the majority of them will be longer practices for folks who have some background with yoga, I will also create shorter ones that might break down a pose, be done in a chair, or provide a quick pick-me-up at the beginning or end of the day. And it’s only $15 a month or $149/year (2 months free!)


What are you waiting for?
Grab your mat.
Live light.

Comments from current students

“What attracted me to your style, in the beginning, is that you started out with a 'basic' pose and then moved forward (if you have it in your body today, you would say 😀) and then advance the pose. Once you got to know your class, you knew our strengths and weaknesses so it wasn’t an issue.

I love having you do the poses as well, which gives us the opportunity to watch and learn. A lot of teachers walk around the class and help people with poses. When it’s online, we just need to watch you and figure it out. So your great explanation, and ability to do the pose as you go, is a great asset. Your experience lends to the fact that you can actually do the poses so beautifully. I respect that in you.”


“You are serious about yoga. This comes through in your demeanor and voice and knowledge and consistency; yet  yoga is not a chore, it’s a gift and a delight.  As a student I love this. It brings together the physical and spiritual sides of doing yoga. You seem to be a doer first and let the spiritual/mind side be a natural byproduct or outcome of the physical practice. But you are not silent about it. You sprinkle it in with your comments and singing. Just like the creation of art, yoga can bring the joy and excitement and peace that come from hard work that combines mind and body. You are a great communicator. You seem to know what is happening to our bodies while we practice (even when we don’t) and you communicate all those details that help us improve and be more aware.

You are so clearly kind and generous and yet you keep us going a little farther, longer, better and you describe exactly how to do this and with positive voice and some humor. You are NOT a guru. You seem really really good at yoga, but you are not perfect (thank god) and are comfortable with this. That is encouraging as a student.  You laugh at yourself and commiserate with us at times. This doesn’t mean you compromise, but you can empathize. I think (your) age matters. You told us a month or so ago that you were turning fifty - I hope I got that right.  And you are full of life, energy, beauty and push.  You are proud and powerful, kind and generous. This is a winning combo.”